Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February, 2012

Last month we prayed for village chiefs. This month I thought we could pray for the teachers in Beng schools.

Teachers in Cote d'Ivoire are sent by the government to schools all over the country. They are often sent to places other than their native villages and provinces. This means that they are usually of a different people group than the students they are teaching. Sometimes Christian teachers are sent to M*slim or animist villages, giving them the opportunity to expose people there to beliefs and ideas they may never be exposed to otherwise.

Pray that God would send Christian teachers to Beng schools and that they would have opportunities to introduce Beng children and adults to Christ.

Pray that many Beng children would be able to attend school so that they can learn to read and eventually read the passages of Scripture that have been translated into the Beng language.

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