Saturday, February 6, 2010

February prayer requests

Romans 1:5 says, "Through Christ, God has given us the privilege and authority to tell Gentiles everywhere what God has done for them, so that they will believe and obey him, bringing glory to his name." (NLT)

Though we may not be able to (at this time) go in person and tell the Beng about Jesus, we can pray these verses nonetheless. Let's pray that the Beng will hear "what God has done for them" and that they will "believe and obey him, bringing glory to his name".

I think sometimes we underestimate the power of prayer. I know I sometimes catch myself thinking, "Well, since God hasn't called me to go overseas at this time in my life, I guess I'll just have to pray instead." Just pray?! Prayer is just as much an action as going overseas is. When you pray for the Beng, you are taking an active role in their coming to Christ. You may even get to meet a Beng believer in heaven one day who is there because of your prayers! That's so much fun to think about. So let's pray!

On a side note this month, I have some personal news... My husband, sons, and I are soon moving to Fredericksburg, VA to help start a new church there. We're excited. I'm attaching our newsletter for those who are interested in learning more.