Do you ever read through the pages of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and just sit and marvel at Jesus' people skills? He knew exactly the right thing to say to each and every person that He encountered- knew when someone needed encouragement, when someone needed to be challenged, when someone needed good hard words of truth, when someone needed forgiveness. I wish I had just an ounce of that wisdom sometimes!
I've been praying for some of my friends here around me who don't know Jesus and praying for His help to know how to introduce them to Him. I feel so powerless and lacking in wisdom sometimes. I've been trying to pray in the midst of conversations, "OK, what do I say now, God? What does this person need to hear from you?".
I thought this month that we could pray for Beng Christians, who though they live in a place far from us and a culture different from ours, probably have some of the same struggles that we do. Pray that these Christians would engage in meaningful conversations with nonbelievers around them and that the Lord would give them wisdom as to how to answer each person they speak with.
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