Who do you go to when you need advice? Your best friend? Your spouse? Your parents? A pastor or teacher?
I'm sure many of us have a go-to person when we need a timely word or two of wisdom. Many of the Beng people have a go-to person as well, and often that person is a medium or spiritist.
The medium or spiritist is the person in their village who is viewed as having insight into the desires of the god(s) or spirits. A villager comes to him with his problem, and the medium or spiritist, based on his knowledge and experience, recommends a course of action for that person. It may be that a sacrifice of some sort is required to appease whatever god or spirit is angry, or it may be that a special amulet is needed for future protection or good luck.
As Americans, this may seem absurd to us. What a crazy thing to do! But for the Beng, it's all they know to do. It's what their friends and family do and what Beng people have always done.
Leviticus 19:31 warns, "Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God."
Pray that the Lord would send someone to tell the Beng who do not know Him about Jesus and that they would no longer seek out mediums and spiritists for advice, but that they would look to God for wisdom and counsel.